I just made a quick search over the internet and found this recipe. This was a simple-beatless-chocolate cake! Why I said so? Cause it requires no beating and all you need to do is to hand stir all the ingredients and pour them into baking pan!
The cake rather crumble, I suspected because I put it too long in the oven cause the skewer didn't turn out clean when I tested it. So, I put it longer for another 10-20 minutes, cover with aluminum foil (to prevent burning) @ a little bit higher temperature. The cracking was all over the cake and I do not know why cause no beating as in over-beat the cake, how come like tat? :P
I brought few pieces to office and let my colleagues tried it out. They all reverted the cake was too crumble and I checked out via internet, guess too high temperature+too long (baking time)!
Note added on 13 Nov 2009: I've tried to bake this 2nd times with the syrup pouring on top. Though the cake was not as crumble as the 1st attempt, but I just not able to achieve the color/look of the original version :(
I've tried using 2 smaller loaf pans and split the batter into these 2 pans. But the outcome was: top was harden & cracked like 1st attempt (not sure if it's due to the long-baking time. This round, I be a good gal and followed the instruction to bake @ 170C for an hour) and not as soft as the original version... *sad sad*.
The taste was as described: 'chocolatey' and melt in my mouth! Will try to check out with her and see if she can advise ^.^ *pray pray*
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