I feel happy, of course. It means it was so tasteful that he was "unwillingness" (don't know got such word or not) to swallow it, want to let it stays in the mouth, chew for a little while..."
Here's what he keep asking me to do it again:
Sorry for the quality of the image as one of the light-pulp was spoilt that day and it was night-time already.
After applying the chocolate-glaze, you can notice the skin/surface is smooth now:
This is the end product, after glazed and kept in fridge for a day and removed from the fluted tart pan:
You can see that there's finger print on the surface of the slice of tart :P that's my daughter's naughty finger, she thought that the chocolate was melted and she can taste it without my knowledge :)
Not bad for the 1st attempt on 24 Jul 2009 huh ^.^
This is 2nd attempt on 6 Dec 2009:
I didn't let the based go up to the side for this round ^.^
this one nice... not too sweet, just nice with the dark chocolate flavor ^.^
ReplyDeleteaiyah... you browse around others' blogs here... they are all god-of-baking ler...