Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1st Cookies Production - GingerBreadMan cookies

1st cookies on new microwave over bought few days ago and this is the reason why we bought the microwave oven --> My daughter wanted to bake this cookies and decorate it!

It was really hard and I suppose that will allow us to decorate it easily without breaking it into pieces. Taste of molasses turn me off :P To those who like the taste of molasses, you should try this.

This is the gingerbreadman cookie decorated by my daughter, simple and nice. -->

<-- This decorated by myself, too fanciful and I just want to try out all the sprinkles that I've bought :P

1 comment:

  1. 哈哈哈哈 你的女兒的薑餅人比較正常 你的就...太過分了 那麼奢華的服裝 一定是有錢人出身!!
