I volunteered myself to bake a Pandan Chiffon Cake for the teacher so that the children can enjoy it when they have their Children's Day (1st Oct) celebrated earlier, on 28th Sep 2009.
This cookies was their favorite when I 1st baked them and let my daughter brought them to school and share with her friends ^.^ How I know it's their favorite? Cause daughter came back and tell me "Teacher never give me the cookies, teacher said I can eat at home and my friends can eat mine. But nevermind mommy, home still have, I can eat later, nevermind." ^.^ So, I top-up with this cookies other than cake.
It smells nice, taste nice and looks nice... hahahaaa..stop making compliment and let's take a look on the pictures taken:
I used flower-shape cookie cutter last time, but i decided to use the heart-shape also this time as it will give me a bigger piece of cookies ^.^
It should be thicker but I make it thinner as it would be easier for the kids to bite ^.^ It contains chocolate rice as well! Hope they enjoy the cake and cookies!